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How many times a week do you keep a thought to yourself at work, even if it could be insightful or helpful to your team? How many times a day? Women do this all the time.
What would you try next if fear of failure wasn’t holding you back? Ask for a promotion? Make a career change? Here’s how to overcome the fear of failure, and instead shift to a growth mindset to go for it.
Have you ever seen or heard about a promotion at work, but talked yourself out of applying because you don’t have all of the experience or qualifications on the job listing? It’s time to get over that fear.
One of the questions I hear most often is “How do I get the job I want?” We’ve all been there, working in a position when we know we can do more and are ready to take on more responsibility. But, what does it take to get to the next stage of your career?
Have you ever felt unsure of whether you really belong where you are at work? Do you really deserve that title? Should you really have gotten that raise? If so, you’re probably experiencing Imposter Syndrome. We’ve all been there. Here’s how to overcome it.
When applying for a job, do you A) accept the offered salary happily, or do you B) negotiate? For many women, the answer is option A. But, you may be selling yourself short! Here are some negotiation tips to help you advocate for yourself.
Don’t rely on just one mentor. Instead, create a board of directors to help steer your career.
Learn why this is important and get other actionable tips in this article from Forbes.
Asking for a significant raise can feel overwhelming for many women, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s a simple, step-by-step strategy you can use to ask for (and get) what you’re worth.