Asking for a significant raise can feel overwhelming for many women, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s a simple, step-by-step strategy you can use to ask for (and get) what you’re worth.
Learning how to speak up for yourself at work
Is Striving for Perfection Holding You Back? [DIY Marketers]
How to Build a More Diverse Pipeline [#Worktrends]
6 ways to recruit and retain more women
It’s clear - having more women at all levels of an organization leads to better outcomes. And just how many women is enough? My conclusion after a great deal of research is that companies should aim for a minimum of 20% women, with a targeted 50/50 split at all levels in an organization for true balance.
What's holding you back? Overcoming fear of failure
Gaining the confidence to go for it
Don’t keep your career goals secret!
Balancing the Perilous Waters Between Career and Family [One Tough Muther]
Building and nurturing your network: Why it's worth it
Does it really matter if women are in the workplace?
Challenges, Opportunities, And Lessons For Women In The Channel [CRN]
How to ask for relief when you have too much work
How to overcome imposter syndrome
Be your own best advocate - negotiate!
Why Your Career Needs A Board Of Directors [Forbes]
Don’t rely on just one mentor. Instead, create a board of directors to help steer your career.
Learn why this is important and get other actionable tips in this article from Forbes.