Build Your Personal Brand


Building your presence gives you control of the narrative of how you portray your value. You need to manage your brand – everything from the ‘softer’ aspects (mannerisms and appearance) to the ‘harder’ elements (work quality and results). 

Consistency over time is key – this is a long-distance race, not a sprint. You may already be competent in many of these areas, but you need to sharpen your skills in all of them to build your influence at work. 

Take small steps and keep practicing until these skills become second nature to you. The most important thing to remember is that it’s never too late to invest the time to build your personal brand. 

Rule #1: Advocate for Yourself

Practice talking about your contributions and accomplishments until you find the words and flow you’re most comfortable with. Reframe your mindset that this isn’t arrogantly bragging but is helping you define your value.

Rule #2: Own Your Performance Discussion

Be proactive about scheduling regular meetings with your manager to review your progress and results. This will ensure you're aligned with the organizational strategy and working on the right projects. You'll also understand your manager’s priorities and timeframes, and you'll get timely and frequent feedback.

Rule #3: Manage Your Presence

It’s important to be aware of how you are being perceived and understand if the you convey yourself is consistent with the way you want to come across and the messages you intend to send.

Rule #4: Master the Art of Presentations

How you present is as important as what you present. Invest time to polish your public speaking skills. This pays off in terms of mastery of, confidence in, and enjoyment of presenting. Plus, your audience will find you more relevant, engaging, and memorable. 

Rule #5: Learn to Communicate Effectively

Communication is at the crux of every relationship. Improving the ways you get your messages, points, thoughts, opinions, and feelings across will positively impact your working (and personal) relationships.

Rule #6: Always be Prepared 

Change is the only constant in business. Sometimes you're the one seeking a new job, company, or project. At other times, change comes as an unexpected surprise, Anticipating potential outcomes and always being prepared puts you in the best position to take advantage of any situation or opportunity.